Thursday, October 24, 2013

It REALLY happened!

Ok, Ok, Ok, where do I even begin!  I thought I had started a post, and I very well could have, but the last week is such a blur that I am not sure.  I can't find a draft of one, so I will just start over. 

I called Yolanda on Thursday, October 10 to see what I needed to do from that point.  I was frustrated and angry, but I didn't want to give up.  She said that the Dr. from my insurance and Dr. Buschman had a phone conference in 25 minutes to discuss why it got denied.  YAY!  That was a long 25 minutes.  She said she would call me back and let me know what happened.  So she did and she is the one that ended up talking to them and IT GOT APPROVED!!!! Yolanda asked me to be there on Friday morning to have a check up with Dr. B and then I needed to get an EKG and my labs done.  Then I needed to go over to the surgical center and get pre registered. 

Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa left on Thursday to come down here to visit us. They didn't end up getting here on Thursday night, but I had to keep my appt. on Friday so I headed to Lubbock.  I got everything I needed to do done and got home about an hour and a half after everyone got here.  At the dr. I told them that I wanted surgery on Wednesday, but that wasn't a for sure thing.  On Monday they called me and told me that we would have to have it on Thursday.  That was just fine. 

I did as good as I could with having company.  I didn't want to gain anything at all.  I did protein shakes in the day but then I usually ate supper.  I did really good.  Then 2 days before surgery, I really tried to not eat any solids at all.  Wednesday I found out that I had to be at the surgery center at 10:00 Thursday morning.  Nothing to eat or drink after midnight and I had to get my Lovenox shot and give it to myself.  I forgot about that!  But it worked out just fine.  I really wanted to get several suppers made and put in the fridge, but by the time I got everything else done, it didn't happen.  I bought easy stuff and had meals planned so it worked out just fine.  Wednesday night was so busy.  Amber, Eli and Owen had primary.  I cancelled YW.  I wanted to have everyone get bathed and I wanted Cecil to give me a blessing.  He did and it was very comforting.  I didn't tell the kids I was having surgery, I just told them that I was going to the dr. and I would be really sleepy when they got home.  I also didn't tell anyone in the Branch except Tanya and her husband and Trish.  I was glad that I had told everyone that it was denied because now I don't have to talk to anyone about it.  Maybe someday I will tell everyone, but right now, I am not ready for that. 

I really had no idea what my recovery was going to be like.  I didn't know what to expect.  I thought a few days and then I would be up and going just fine.  Not the case, but we will get to that in a bit.   Mom and dad decided to stay and help out through surgery day. I was SO glad and SO grateful!

I was able to get up, get the kids off to school, Isabelle went to Tanya's (and then came home after preschool) and Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa just hung out at home all day.  Cecil and I stopped off at Wal Mart to get some gas x strips.  I was told they would really help after surgery.  Then we were off to Lubbock.  We got there about 15 minutes early and they got us right back to the pre op area.  They got an IV started and then we ended up having to wait a long time because the anesthesiologist had something else he needed to respond to.  By the time he got back, I think it was around 1:00.  I'm not positive about that because this is where things get a little foggy.  I remember the nurse coming in and telling me that she was going to give me a little something to make me feel funny.  I told Cecil good bye and watched him walk out of my room.  The nurse wheeled me out and around a corner.  I remember thinking that she was good at maneuvering that big bed. lol  Then she took me into the OR and she told me I needed to scoot my body over to this other bed.  That's about as much as I remember.  It was hard to move, but I don't remember getting settled on that other bed.  The next thing I knew I was asking for my husband.  I just remember asking for him over and over.  I remember everyone telling me to breath and I remember wanting to get up and move cause I wanted to go home.  The first thing Cecil told me was that they had to do a hernia repair as well before they could put the band on.  I started to move and it hurt.  And I felt like I was going to vomit.  And then I vomited.  And vomited.  And vomited.  Then I got to drink that really gross stuff so they could take an x-ray and they said everything looked great.  I got back into bed...and vomited again.  Ugh! It was a little rough.  But I really wanted to go home.  They had to make sure I could use the bathroom so I did that and got all situated and off to home we went.  I don't remember a lot from the ride.  I just know I hurt really bad.  The gas in my body was killing me.  I wanted pain medicine so Cecil went to get it and the pharmacy was closed.  It was a very long night! I didn't sleep much at all.  I was out on the couch trying to ease the pain as much as I could.  Then first thing Friday morning, Cecil went and got the medicine.  It helped a lot!  Mom and dad decided to leave that morning since Cecil took the day off to be with me.  I just rested a lot and tried to drink as much as I could.  This last week has just been trying to get better.  I have been in so much more pain then I thought I would.  It isn't a lot of pain from the incisions, it is pain from the gas.  It is in my left shoulder so bad and under my diaphragm so it hurts to breath and move.  Sleeping has been a bit of an issue as well.  But I really think I am on the mend. 

I got my staples out yesterday and I was glad to see them go. :)  It just means I am healing more now.  I can have full color liquids and that has been nice as well.  It is just going to take time.  I am ready for this change.  I am ready for the scale to keep going down! It is so exciting for me to lose this weight.  Cecil is also doing awesome! He is down 38 lbs and he is looking so good!  He is supporting me 100% in my weight loss journey and I am so grateful for that!  It is so much easier to be dedicated when you are not the only one trying. 

So below is my surgery day weight and pre surgery photos.  (all taken the day of surgery)


photo.JPG I think I took this Friday, Oct. 18. (The day after surgery) I have a fifth incision, but I couldn't get it in the picture.

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